Coronavirus to do list for small businesses:
1. Stay home / stay safe (unless you own or are employed in an essential business or function).
2. Read CARES act information to determine where you qualify.
3. Start applying for relief for employees paid time off, mortgage assistance,
payroll assistance, or low interest loan.
4. Know effective start dates for programs, the start dates range from
April 1-10.
5. Re-examine your business model to determine if you need a change of
vendors, products, services or creditors.
6. Continue to work on marketing strategies to minimize the shut down’s impact and
generate new clients and sales once you are able to reopen.
Stay in the know on new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act:
The CARES Act has just passed, and $350 billion dollars stands to ensure small businesses in American stand strong. Applying for an SBA Disaster Relief Fund Loan is becoming even more of a pressing issue. With the level of uncertainity the pandemic is brewing and the looming of threat of indefinite lockdowns and quarantines, it doesn’t hurt to be overly prepared. Check to see if your business is eligible ASAP. The CARES Act will also be providing individuals who earned <$75,000 in 2018 to collect a stimulus check for $1200 and $500/child under their care. The link I included for the CARES Act is a summarized version of the interesting high points most businesses owners need to know.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), was recently enacted by the U.S. Department of Labor. It becomes effective April 1 and will push some employers to grant employees more paid time off. In the same vein, the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Act (EFMLA) and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) grant up to 80 hours if an employee’s family or children must be cared for in this time of crisis. The paid sick leave is available for companies with less than 500 employees without many restrictions. Companies with less than 50 employees are also eligible but have some restrictions. Employers will be reimbursed for the full amount of sick leave they pay within three months, in the form of a payroll tax credit.
Stay on your client’s radar:
Enhancing local search engine optimization(SEO) including Google Maps and Google My Business page is always important for increasing your visibility within a community. Using Google analytics will provide insight into the effectiveness of your advertising or posting of Google services mentioned above.
Creating new infographics for promotions, newsletters and marketing on the web and social media is just as important as being easily searchable on search engines and maps. ZK Web Design is here to provide your business with sleek media content and graphics for you to post at your discretion to stay current in your customers’ lives.
